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2021伯时讲坛第6讲——Enable more affordable renewables at customers’end

创建时间:  2021-12-07  王智渊   浏览次数:   返回



线上:腾讯会议(ID:464 351 002)


报告题目:Enable more affordable renewables at customers’end

报告摘要:Low emission transition is happening to many countries around the world. Depending on situations and needs, there may be different pathways to support the transition to a more sustainable society. One pathway is to be customer-centric and encourage more locally distributed renewable generation at customers’ end.

When it comes to onsite renewables, rooftop solar photovoltaic inverter system (PV) is a popular and low risk option. Then, there are two common questions to be considered for communities, schools or businesses: 1) how to determine what size should the rooftop PV system be? 2) what does the return on investment look like? These two questions are interrelated and there are many factors impacting on how we address these two questions, such as tariff structure, tariff pricing levels, local climate conditions, seasonal climate changes, initial capital investment and ongoing maintenance costs.

To support the decision making, a multi-dimension clustering-based method is developed and applied to real communities. The data-driven method can time-efficiently derive energy investment recommendations. Results show suitable PV systems can provide communities with affordable and sustainable energy, as well as meet financial targets. Our project’s real-world impact will also be presented in the webinar.

报告人简介:Dr. Liu received B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering and Automation from Jiangnan University, Wuxi, China in 2004 and Master of Engineering in Power Systems from The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia in 2009. Also, he has a Master of Engineering Management, a Graduate Certificate in Academic Practice (Higher Education) and a Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia.

Dr Liu is a registered professional engineer and a Research Fellow at Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology. Dr Liu’s primary research interests are neighbourhood energy markets and energy investment decisions. He is a reviewer for a few journals, including related IEEE Power Energy Society transactions and Elsevier journals.

Dr. Liu is an Australian representative on International Energy Agency (IEA) Annex 82 Energy Flexible Buildings (2021 to 2025). He is volunteering on IEEE Standards working groups 120 and 1459. Previously he worked with ABB and A. O. Smith, building power switchboards, substations and commissioning buildings before the academic journey. For hobbies, Dr Liu is interested in lifelong learning, language and history.

上一条:2021伯时讲坛第7讲——Electrification through EVs and e-mobility for net zero achievement

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